Sunday, February 18, 2018

My First Trip to ACES

Ms. Anderson poses our group of students for a quick photo

What a weekend. This was my first time attending ACES and one of my first trips on which I was taking students. There were a few highlights that I would like to share.

1) A heightened sense of connection with my students. This was the first time that I had spent time with many of them. Others I have in class and have seen at FFA meetings but did not know as well as I would like. This trip to ACES, our time spent there, and the trip back allowed me to get to know them better. We made jokes, laughed about eating habits, and reflected upon what they had learned. I am curious as I go back to school this upcoming week, how the relationships with them will change. I hope that they feel more comfortable talking to me about things and interacting more in class. Stay tuned!

Teachers learned about water samples
using the inquiry based approach
2) Professional Development that ROCKS! The workshop on Saturday for teachers was about the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. I LOVED IT. We learned some ways to connect watersheds around us into the curriculum we teach through MWEEs (Meaningful Watershed Education Experience). These experiences have a focus on environmental stewardship but don't have to specifically be about water or on the Chesapeake Bay. Although I am not from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed I recognized that I may be able to implement some of this during my time student teaching that pertains directly to this watershed. I also realize that no matter which watershed I get a job in, I will be able to tie meaningful lessons about ecological sustainability.

3) A chance to recharge my battery with other ag teachers. I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing the friendly faces of my fellow ag teacher colleagues. They are so supportive of us young teachers! I can not count how many times I was asked, "How is student teaching?" My confidence and warm feelings were heightened with each ask as I was reminded that other teachers really care. They are rooting for me and all of the other Penn State 2018 teacher candidates. If that doesn't make you smile then I don't know what will. Remember that there are many individuals out there who are praying for you to succeed and be the BEST YOU. I will never forget the kindness that has been extended from these great teachers and I will be quick to show that same compassion to the ag teachers that come after me.


  1. Angie, it's awesome that ACES was such a positive experience for you, and that you got so much out of it. Interacting with students in structured settings (like ACES), is a great way to build rapport and connect with them on a different level. PD is always a perk of conferences, so it's good to see you taking advantage of it!

  2. The PA Ag Ed family is the best support group any where especially when welcoming in a new member to the fold. Making connections with students outside the classroom will create a more positive environment when you return to school. Looking forward to seeing that develop over your remaining internship at Manheim.
