Thursday, May 4, 2017


Hi everyone! I’m Angela Becker otherwise known as Angie, Ang, or Sis (if you ask my younger brother Andy). Soon my students will know me as Ms. Becker and I can’t wait!

This blog will disclose my experiences along my journey of student teacher preparation and the endeavor of pre-service teaching. I have been placed at Manheim Central High School for my student teaching assignment and look forward to starting there in January of 2018! I would like to welcome you to the roller coaster ride that will be my preparation and expose you to a bit of background information about myself.

I was raised on a farm in Fayette County Pennsylvania, which is about 45 minutes south of Pittsburgh. At a very young age I began to greatly enjoy and appreciate animals. This included kitties, puppies, and any other farm animals that ran slow enough for me to catch. At the ripe age of eight I joined 4-H and began raising lamb and hog projects. With each year, I became familiar with more species and took on more projects. I graduated high school in 2013 and at the end of summer packed my bags and moved to Penn State to study Animal Science. For three years I learned more about animal health, management, and nutrition than I ever thought possible. I completed two internships in the American Midwest one at a beef slaughter plant in Kansas and another at a beef feedlot in Nebraska.

Selfie with some steers at the feedlot in Elba, NE. 2016
At the end of my Cargill Beef Internship before
I got the heck out of Dodge City, KS. 2015

At the completion of both I felt empowered but I also realized that an essential variable was missing from my life. Teaching. Immediately following my second internship (2016) I returned to Penn State and switched my major to Agricultural and Extension Education. This would change my path (and my credit load) forever.

Fast-forward nine months and here I am today. My decision to become an Agricultural and Extension Education major has been one of the best that I ever made. I feel purpose in my progress knowing that all of the effort I invest now will enable me to grow passionate, literate, and successful students in my future classroom.

If my story interests you, please follow along. I request any teaching, blogging, or life advice as you see fit.

Thanks for reading