Friday, October 20, 2017

Surprise, it's a reflection!

This week's methods lab was executed differently than normal. It was a surprise! That's right...a surprise. On Monday the #PSUAgEd18 members entered "Money Monday" at 8 am and received a sheet of National AFNR Standards from a random pathway. Once given that sheet, we were told to prepare a lesson to teach in our laboratory section on Wednesday that fit those standards. Now this task might be daunting to some but I honestly didn't mind. We've been practicing teaching and writing lessons for  weeks now!

Come Wednesday, I taught my lesson and here is what I took away...


  • There's nothing like learning to embrace a teachable moment and think on the fly. I had no issue with our surprise. I completed a lesson plan that was descriptive and thought out. I also didn't allow the short turn around time to stress me out! This is a personal goal of mine to time manage and reduce anxiety levels in all aspects of my life. Thanks to #PSUAgEd for challenging me to reach this goal!


  • I was less confident in the content of this lab. (electrical wiring) I also entered the day in a bit of a funk because of some personal issues. I think that the combination of the two made me come off as a bit "hard" or "harsh" sounding in my video. I certainly wasn't trying to give off the wrong tone of voice or even seem cross in any way. This reminds me that I need to be careful and ensure that I leave all of my feelings or emotions at the door when I enter each day because it really does show!


  1. Angie, I think your gem was spot on and your opp is something we all should continue to work on improving. I've heard it described like flipping our enthusiasm "switch" on when its time to teach! Good job with taking the time to reflect - reflection and critical feedback is what helps us learn!

  2. Angie! I would have to say that you gave a great honest reflection and I thank you for that. It was different watching your lab on video rather than in person this week but, I would have to agree with your statements in the Gems and Opps above. The thing is, you know what you have to work on and you are making progress!! Keep up the good work! You got this!!

  3. Angie, I like your honest reflection about this week's lab. Learning to leave life at the door is a skill that will come with time. Even though you weren't feeling confident in the material, it didn't show and you seemed very knowledgeable.
