Saturday, February 24, 2018

7: National FFA Week!

This week was my first National FFA Week celebrated in a high school. I was impressed! Here is how we celebrated the week of greatness at Manheim Central...

Manheim FFA members posed for a photo
with State FFA Officer Thomas Gabel

Boot Scootin' Tuesday

On Tuesday, FFA members asked their peers to wear their cowboy boots to school It was fun hearing the clicking of boot heels on the ground and see some great cowboy boots around the school. 
After school it was our chance to "Meet Your State Officer" at Hoss' in Elizabethtown. Just a short drive to Elizabethtown brought good food, friends, and jokes (Not only for students but also for teachers!).

Cole shows off his "whipped cream game"

Winning Wednesday

On Wednesday, small cows were hidden around the school with the promise of :find a cow and win a chocolate milk!" During my time here at Manheim Central High School I've come to the realization that students can become addicted to chocolate milk. In Mrs. Anderson's room we sell Kreider's chocolate milk and there are some individuals who can't make it through the day without their bottle. The chance to find a chow and win a milk was a pretty enticing incentive. 

After school FFA members invited teachers to stop by the Ag department for a complimentary sundae. This ice cream social was to show appreciation to the other teachers in the building. Smiles were shared because who doesn't love ice cream!?!?

FFA members posing in their favorite flannel shirts

Thank a Farmer Thursday

On Thursday we took a calmer and more heartfelt approach by writing thank you letters to local farmers. As we all know, it feels great to be thanked but it feels great to be the one doing the thanking as well. Thank you farmers. 

Favorite Flannel Friday

Friday was a day to wear flannels. They were sported all day around the school. Dressing up is always a fun way to show pride and spirit. The FFA members had been working hard for weeks to plan out the first annual Manheim FFA Food For All Banquet. This banquet was a free meal for attendees and all that was asked for was a donation to the three organizations that spoke during the meal. First we heard from 2 Seconds or Less, then from Heifer Project International, and lastly from the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Students and guests learned a lot about the hungry people across our globe and those that are as close as our school district. We all left the banquet with a sense of purpose and a feeling of hope.


  1. Angie, sounds like you had a great first FFA Week! What was your favorite activity? Are there any that you’d like to use with your own students someday?

  2. These are creative and fun ways to celebrate National FFA Week! For me, it was always the need to share with the rest of the school the importance of this week and all that agriculture does for us. So I LOVE the cow game! As you move into a career with your own chapter, how would YOU advocate agriculture to the rest of the student body?

    1. I agree that we need to include the ENTIRE student body during National FFA Week. I loved the ice cream social for the other teachers. It brought some new faces to our classroom that I had never seen before and allowed for some curriculum mixing and mingling!

  3. Sounds like a fun FFA Week. Take advantage of these more casual opportunities to de-stress and enjoy some light-hearted moments with your students, all the while getting to celebrate and promote ag!

  4. With the chocolate milk ALL students participated. I think I may have mentioned before but students go CRAZY for chocolate milk. It brought winners to our ag wing and at the very least allowed for them to realize where we are located in the building. I also realize that sharing with the entire school can be an issue. I am looking for solutions as well! I think that an important key to remember is that keeping it relevant to all will make all want to be involved. I'm still searching for answers!
